How to run a team building event?

Activities 17-07-2024
How to run a team building event?

How to run a team building event?

Organising a team building activity is an effective way to strengthen team cohesion, improve communication within your company, improve your team dynamics and consolidate the bonds between employees.

In this article, we explain how to run a team building event and the steps to follow to organise a successful team building activity! 

What is team building?

But first, let us explain what is a team building?🤔

Team building is an activity organised to strengthen the bonds between team members, improve communication and collaboration, and achieve a common goal. It can be a sports event, a nature outing, a role play, a group challenge, etc. The aim is to develop team cohesion, self-confidence and trust in others, and to foster motivation and job satisfaction.

Now, here are the steps to successfully run yours 👇🏻 

1. Define the objectives 🚩

First of all, determine why you want to organise a team building event and what you hope to achieve. Do you want to improve communication, strengthen relationships between employees, build team trust or something else? This will help you to determine the type of activity that will best suit your team. 

2. Assess your resources 💰

Do you have the resources to organise a team building event, such as time, budget and staff? Before you plan anything, check your resources carefully. 

3. Select an activity ✅

Next, choose an activity that fits your objectives and that everyone will enjoy. This could be a day out, an escape game, a sports tournament or any other activity that allows team members to work together, but also to have fun! Choose the format that will best suit your objectives and your colleagues: it needs to be accessible and appropriate to the age and abilities of your team. 

4. Plan the details 📝

After this, make sure you plan all the details of the event, including times, location, cost and food and drink arrangements. You can get an event coordinator to do this or organise everything in-house, depending on your budget. If you decide to organise it in-house, with other staff, be sure to define the roles and responsibilities of each team member. 

5. Communicate with the team 🗣

Inform your colleagues that a team building event will take place, the chosen activity and the details of the event. Make sure you ask for their availability and answer any questions they may have. 

6. Prepare the activities 🧩

 Plan the activities so that they are fun and participatory for all team members. Also make sure that the activities are safe and that all safety instructions are clear.

7. Run the event 💪

Now it's time to make sure the event runs smoothly and that your team members are actively involved. Encourage communication and collaboration between your colleagues on the day. Remember, the goal is to strengthen the bonds between employees and create lasting memories. 

8. Evaluate the results 📈

Finally, after the event, you can evaluate the results to determine if you achieved your goals. Ask team members for feedback on the event and what they learned. This could be useful if you want to use any of the providers again for a future team activity. 

By following these steps, you will have a successful team building event that will help your team communicate better, work more effectively together and strengthen the bonds between employees.🤝 

Organise your team building with Coddy !

Need inspiration for your next team building activity? 
Go on an adventure with your coworkers in the city of your choice with Coddy.🧩

A complete team building experience 🤝

Riddles in the city, various challenges, fun facts and anecdotes about the places, buildings and monuments encountered: your adventure will be as fun, entertaining and touristy as it will be competitive! 


Join the ultimate urban team building adventure where riddles reveal the city's secrets.

Take your colleagues on a journey of discovery and fun, while creating unforgettable team memories!

Read more

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